University specialist
General Information
University Specialist Courses
The University Specialist courses for the group of 50 years and over, are titles of the UdL, extend the existing educational offer so far, and are framed within the paradigm of learning throughout life. These university programs have an educational, cultural and social aspect while improving the quality of life of their participants and, at the same time, favor interpersonal and intergenerational relationships.
The courses will be taught from September to May and students can choose between different themes:
1- Comunication, Language and Literature
The student selection procedure will be in strict order of registration, and the courses must have a minimum of seven students enrolled to activate that academic year. No more than two different Senior University Specialist titles may be taken in the same school year.
The credits obtained in any of the courses of Senior University Specialist may be recognized as optional credits for the Diploma in Senior Citizens in Culture, Science, Technology and Society.
The course evaluation has two modes:
a) Formative evaluation: attendance, active participation in classes and classroom activities proposed by teachers. The qualification that will be obtained is approved, with a numerical value of 5. This qualification will be maintained in the recognitions of credits of optional subjects of the Senior Program.
b) Summative evaluation: consists of the formative evaluation, in addition to the academic work proposed by the teaching staff to pass the subject. The qualification will have the numerical value obtained during the course in each of the subjects. This value will be maintained in the recognition of credits of optional subjects of the Senior Program.
Once the course has passed, students can apply for the University Specialist's own degree with an additional cost of € 61.00. For purposes of recognition of credits in the Senior Program, students may request a certificate (without additional cost) that certifies the training carried out in the Senior Specialist course in the mode that they have taken.
The price of each one of the courses will be taken care of that has the Regulation of Matrícula of the Senior Program in relation to the price of the credit (ECTS) for each school course.