
Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in Advanced Architecture I

Lifelong Learning Master's Degree in Advanced Architecture I


IAAC’s Master in Advanced Architecture (1 or 2-year program) revolutionizes current architectural approaches. By training professionals to take informed, creative and innovative actions, the program encourages them to become changemakers and pioneers in the arena of architecture and the built environment. Based on a Learning by Doing and a Design by Research methodologies the Master in Advanced Architecture nurtures critical thinking, ingenuity and the materialization of ideas.
The programme offers a diversity of high-end content in Design Studios ranging from urban scale to building, material and wearable devices scale.
The seminars and workshops offered by the programme aim to enhance the technical, computational and digital fabrication skills of new professionals that are able to work in the architectural field learning from advancements from computer science, advanced manufacturing, synthetic biology, or material science and ecology.

The Master in Advanced Architecture methodology connects our students with exceptional international practitioners, industries and institutions that are part of the program’s faculty body and part of its collaborative entities.
The MAA counts with more than 60 international faculty and more than 20 collaborative industries and institutions. At the same time, the program participates in a series of European funded research projects giving the students the opportunity to be professionally integrated into high-end practices and research entities in the fields of advanced computational design, digital fabrication, zero emissions architecture or self sufficient and intelligent design.

Furthermore, the program prepares students for an entrepreneurial approach to architectural thinking and practice, thus, with the support of IAAC, students have the possibility to create their own practices in the above mentioned fields.

Once successfully finished the master, IAAC students join the IAAC Alumni Community – an active and dynamic network of visionary professionals distributed all around the world, promoting principles and applications of Advanced Architecture, exploring new academic and research initiatives, leading award-winning practices and working for internationally acclaimed firms and institutions.


  • IS1_Introductory Design Studio
  • IC1_Introductory Course 1 Practice Fabrication
  • IC2_Introductory Course 2 Practice Representation
  • IC3_Introductory Course 3 Theory Concepts
  • IC4_Introductory Course 4 Digital Tools
  • W1_Workshop
  • LS_Lecture Series

Classes take place from October to December, Monday to Friday, from 10h to 19h.

  • RS1/RS2/RS3 Research Design Studio
  • S1_Practice Fabrication
  • S2_Seminar 2_Theory Concepts
  • S3_Seminar 3_Theory Instruments
  • S4_Seminar 4_Digital tools
  • S5_Seminar 5_Digital tools
  • S6_Seminar 6_Digital tools
  • LS_Lecture Series

Classes take place from January to April, Monday to Friday, from 10h to 19h.

  • LS_Lecture Series
  • S7_Seminar 7 Practice Fabrication
  • S8_Seminar 8 Practise Fabrication
  • S9_Seminar 9 Practice Fabrication
  • S10_Seminar 10_Practice Fabrication
  • S11_Seminar 11 Digital Tools
  • S12_Seminar 12_Digital Tools

Classes take place from April to July, Monday to Friday, from 10h to 19h.

  • DS1/DS2/DS3 Development Design Studio

Classes take place from April to July, Monday to Friday, from 10h to 19h.

Other information

Importe matrícula nacionales UE: 19800 Importe matrícula nacionales españoles: 11925

Bachelor Degree: Architects, engineers, designers, material engineers, mechanical engineers and other related carreers. The programme is oriented at graduates who wish to commit and develop their design research skills in the context of new forms of practice within architecture and urbanism, ranging from large-scale environments to tectonic details and material properties. Application process: Applications are considered on the basis of an assessment of the quality of prospective students, their motivation, skills and previous academic achievements. Candidates are encouraged to give details of their motivation to study any particular programme. Once applications are reviewed, candidates will be invited to an online interview with the IAAC academic coordinator of the program. IAAC applications can be submitted each academic year. To apply for any of our educational programmes, the applicant must fill out the online application form. For the online application, the following required documents should all be submitted in English, with the exception of the undergraduate diploma that needs to be translated into Spanish. (All documents must be uploaded onto the designated space on the online application form in PDF format). For more information on the process, please visit

The rate in force at the time of issuance of the title will be applied

Barcelona Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC)

01/05/2024 until 01/10/2023



Request information
